Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kami, Yang Tak Pernah Menangis

Kalian, yang selalu menangis berjam-jam ketika hatinya terluka, tanpa disadari selalu bisa melupakan kami dalam waktu yang singkat. Segera, keceriaan akan kembali hadir di wajah dan kehidupan kalian.
Kami, yang tidak meneteskan air mata ketika hatinya terluka, tidak pernah menyiratkan kesedihan sedikitpun. Seolah tidak terjadi apa-apa. Tapi, kebencian dan kekecewaan ini tidak akan pernah hilang. Untuk waktu yang sangat lama,

Kekecewaan ini akan terus melekat dan muncul dalam ingatan secara tiba-tiba. Ketika kami terobati dengan kehadiran 'seseorang' yang baru, Ingatan kami akan kembali mengenang pada masa dimana kami pernah menghabiskan waktu bersama kalian.

Kami akan mengingat, bahwa kalian pernah mengisi kehidupan kami dengan indah dan Kami begitu mencintainya. Saat itulah Kami akan mengalami kesedihan yang begitu dalam. Tentu saja, hal ini tidak akan terjadi sekali, tapi berulangkali.

kalian bayangkan? betapa tersiksanya perasaan kami?

Ya, Sesaat kami rapuh dan goyah. Tapi kami selalu berusaha menutupi, mencoba
memperlihatkan sikap sewajarnya untuk memulihkan perasaan kami. Tidak ada seorang pun yang tahu. kecuali hati yang tersayat ini.

Disaat kami menatap kehampaan dengan rokok yang terjepit di jari kami. mungkin saat itu kami sedang kembali menggali memori bersama kalian. Senyum, tawa, tangis, dan rasa sakit yang kalian tinggalkan masih terngiang di benak kami. meski sudah bertahun-tahun lamanya.

Pada akhirnya, kata-kata sesimple "Huh..." yang keluar dari mulut kami, bisa mengartikan bahwa kami sudah tidak sanggup untuk mengingat lebih jauh. Dan sekali lagi, berusaha melupakan memori yang menyiksa ini, meskipun kami tahu, ini hal yang tidak mungkin.

p.s: gak usah tanya gw kenapa, gw juga bingung knapa gw tiba2 nulis ginian :p

Sunday, August 15, 2010



Inget cewe yang gw ceritain di posting sebelomnya yang berjudul Anonymous Girl? Hari ini, tadi sore tepatnya. Dia tau kalo gw suka sama dia. how come? jadi ceritanya temen gw satu lift sama dia, setelah basa-basi sedikit, akhirnya temen gw ngasi tau kalo gw naksir dia. XTREMELY NICE... kenapa gak sekalian aja lu lamarin gw ke rumah bokapnya? sekalian ngundang tetangga buat nikahan -__-' swt bgt dahhh. Mampus gw kalo besok-besok ketemu dia. mo dilipet kemana nih muka.

~im off for few weeks due to this probs. need some ice to carve a mask for my face.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Anonymous Girl

allright fellas, lets straight to the point.

i think im in love. and yes, im serious.

yeah, after those awful past, finally i can move along and here i am. getting crush to this girl with a beautiful eyes and heart shaking stare. dammit man, i dunno what the hell am i talking about. just keep reading okay? *ssigh...

well, when ur in love u must feel the same way dont u? smiling just bcoz remember her accidental gaze with ur eyes. ur entire body suddenly become clumsy and stupid when she walk across in front of u? oh, and dont forget the sudden paralysis to ur feet. i gotta say this man, this is the only suffer that i enjoy most. why? frankly, i dunno, theres no logical answer for this questions. im in love, remember?

alright, but there's one big-major problem in this situations. so im in love with this girl. but, i dont even know what her name is. silly eh? well, thats me! welcome to my life. where everything seems so absurd. and now im still working on this 'hai there, whats ur name' dialogue. just shoot me anywhere u want mate, rather than asking this fucking-difficult-dumb-idiotic question. god...

So here we are. finally my guts can cooperate with me, and i asking her name! and guess what? she's so lovely-nice and greet me very warm. seeing this chance i dont want to throw it away. so i step forward, one step closer to her and starring her beutiful eyes while im saying this;

Me : "Im so sorry if this things bother u. but i dunno when will i get this rare chance again. so im gonna spill it out, but i have to ask u one thing before, let me finish my word okay?"
Her: "Okay im ready."
Me: (smiling) "I think im in love with u.... maybe its kinda weird bcoz we know each others name like 5 minutes ago, but believe me, i adore u from the first time u came here with those yellow stripe jacket. and everyday since, i have found my reason to go to work with a thousand passion that i never done before. (breath heavily) listen, i expect nothing from this moment. really. i just want u to know, that there's someone who admire u alot. its me.
Me: "When u growing old and have a grandchild, u can tell them about this moment as a story. that long time ago, there's an ordinary man who fallin in love with this beautiful girl. and the man express his feeling right after they know each others name. the girl is flaterred. but not the man, he know he cant reach this goddess. so, soon after he thanked her for becoming a new color for the past few months in his life, he turn around, and leave the girl behind. without asking anymore question. so did the girl, silence with thousands word in her head that never came out from her mouth. The girl leave that place quietly, and go home with her real prince."


If my life would be that easy. it will be great. okay, the anonymus girl, im here. adore u, admire u, n loving u. maybe its not important to u, but im gonna try to keep this feeling as long as i can. and no matter what, my wasted heart will always love u...